Stormwater regulations in Hoboken push for green roofs and other green infrastructure

Green roofs are being installed in Hoboken, NJ in response to new stormwater regulations put in place in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. According the City of Hoboken, A new Municipal Stormwater Management Plan has been developed to address the key issues of flooding, water pollution and public safety related to the impacts of stormwater on the City. The addition of green roofs has provided many benefits for the citizens of Hoboken and the ecosystem. A big part of the plan is the use of green infrastructure, mainly pervious ‘soft’ surfaces including green roofs, rain gardens, grass paver parking lots, and infiltration trenches. All of these methods will decrease the volume and speed of stormwater run-off, and allow water to slowly seep in to the ground, recharge the water table and filter out harmful pollutants and toxins. Here is a recently completed project using the GROWVista modular green roof system.